Aircraft structural simulation model

Aircraft structural design and analysis

Moving from fossil fuel-powered aviation to next-generation aircraft requires tight integration between flight physics, aircraft structural design and analysis, and testing teams.

Visual of Roadfour's Seagle firefighting aircraft

Next-generation firefighting aircraft to be developed using Siemens Xcelerator portfolio

Roadfour’s Seagle, the next-generation purpose-built large-capacity amphibious firefighting aircraft, will be developed using Siemens Xcelerator.

Ice protection: is your aircraft ready for the winter season?

Winter is coming, and your aircraft can feel it! Discover how simulation and testing help you design ice protection systems to ensure flight safety.

Personalized Precision Medicine

Our oneness should be very material in administrating healthcare and tending to our medical needs. Unfortunately, it seems all that uniqueness has been broadly disregarded for decades. How can personalized precision medicine change that?

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2210 released! What’s new?

Go faster while modeling the complexity, explore engineering possibilities and turn complexity into a competitive advantage with Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2210.

Strength and fatigue adhering to the FKM Guidelines

The FKM guidelines are de facto a standard used to prevent material failures. The FKM wizard for Simcenter 3D Durability helps to comply with a streamlined workflow, which is laid out in the Post. It is newly available, free to download and free to use with Simcenter 3D Specialist Durability.

Exoskeletons, or mechanically enhancing our bodies, have the potential to radically reshape the workforce

Engineering Enhanced Humans

Prosthetic engineering is not new, yet prosthetic devices remain out of reach for many. Can the latest engineering innovations help?

How to cool a spacecraft with heat pipes: co-simulate with Simcenter 3D Thermal and Simcenter Amesim

Simulation is essential for thermal management of heat pipes in spacecraft and the sensitive experiments they work on. A process that has just got much easier. Read how

Aircraft travelling through stormy sky

Aircraft HIRF and IEL qualification with digital twins

Find out why a thorough understanding of HIRF and IEL, from the aircraft design phase to certification is key to guaranteeing a safe flight.