Wright Brothers first flight

119 years ago Wilbur and Orville Wright made history

119 years ago this weekend, Wilbur and Orville Wright made history at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Located on a series…

A satellite in Simcenter 3D

Remote Simulation helps you schedule jobs and review results seamlessly

By Jonathan Melvin and Mukund Rajamony The joys of in-house remote simulation tools Simulating on remote machines can be an…

Using CAE fatigue methodology for design optimization and virtual validation

The three challenges of strength and durability analysis

Learn about the challenges of strength and durability and find out how to manage them effectively. With the right tools and processes, you can learn a lot about what happens within a structure and why.

durability, strength, and fatigue analysis title image

Easy strength and fatigue analysis for any application case: efficiently assess the strength of your component  

Fatigue analysis templates and strength  Templates for fatigue analysis and their strength-only counterparts are relatively recent additions to Simcenter 3D….

Aircraft structural simulation model

Aircraft structural design and analysis

Moving from fossil fuel-powered aviation to next-generation aircraft requires tight integration between flight physics, aircraft structural design and analysis, and testing teams.

Visual of Roadfour's Seagle firefighting aircraft

Next-generation firefighting aircraft to be developed using Siemens Xcelerator portfolio

Roadfour’s Seagle, the next-generation purpose-built large-capacity amphibious firefighting aircraft, will be developed using Siemens Xcelerator.

Ice protection: is your aircraft ready for the winter season?

Winter is coming, and your aircraft can feel it! Discover how simulation and testing help you design ice protection systems to ensure flight safety.

Personalized Precision Medicine

Our oneness should be very material in administrating healthcare and tending to our medical needs. Unfortunately, it seems all that uniqueness has been broadly disregarded for decades. How can personalized precision medicine change that?

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2210 released! What’s new?

Go faster while modeling the complexity, explore engineering possibilities and turn complexity into a competitive advantage with Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2210.