A man holds a small piece of paper that has the words "A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all" printed on it.

Customer Success evolution: from reactive engagement to strategic partnership 

Customer Success has morphed from a little-known customer service activity into a critical business strategy for fostering loyalty and driving…

Sink or swim: Outcome-based selling is non-negotiable with SaaS

The SaaS seismic shift SaaS solutions have transformed the way we sell and consume software. Gone are the days of…

A man wearing a suit in a factory looks at laptop screen, highlighting the need for customized PLM solutions.

The power of customized PLM

In an era where efficiency, agility and innovation are the keys to competitive advantage, customized PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) has emerged…

TCS and Siemens booths side by side at a trade show. TCS recently established a COE that showcases Siemens technology.

TCS demonstrates “Bringing Life to the Connected Digital Enterprise” with CoE launch in Cincinnati

A recently launched Industrial low-code/no-code Center of Excellence (CoE) in Cincinnati, Ohio is allowing manufacturers to see first-hand how they…

Uncorked: The force needed to pull a cork

If you’re an engineer like me, you cannot truly relax with a bottle of wine until you know the load…

Customer Success is where a supplier's promise meets a customer's desired outcome, as this Venn diagram illustrates.

Building a customer success capability to drive financial consistency & scalability

Welcome to the fifth and final blog in our series created to help Siemens partners transform their businesses to the…

Robots manufacture electronics products. Manufacturing digital transformation is essential across all industries.

Manufacturing Digital Transformation: The Imperative Journey

Today’s era of technological advancement has shifted digital transformation from being just a buzzword to an essential pivot for manufacturers….

SaaS and cloud selling represent far greater revenue potential for partners who plan and execute properly.

Build a sales and marketing engine that thrives in a SaaS world

Begin with the End in Mind Times have changed. The B2B technology market can no longer grow by simply selling…

A computer screen representing design automation and CAD customization, overlayed with gear cogs meshing, along with Siemens and Monarch Innovation logos.

Design automation and CAD customization deliver enhanced flexibility

Technology is evolving every day, and the whole world is becoming digital. The concept of digital design automation and customization…