Digital parts management systems simplify the finding and purchasing of parts.

MAC Trailer reduces CAD model library by 77% using Strategic Parts Management

MAC Trailer opened its doors to show you how they get their top-of-the-line trailer out on the roads. It all starts…

Siemens Teamcenter is part of Microsoft Cloud for Manufacturing. In this photo, a robot controls manufacturing operations while an employee looks on.

Siemens Teamcenter part of the Microsoft Cloud for Manufacturing ISV designation

At its Microsoft Inspire event Tuesday, July 18, Microsoft announced that Siemens has been selected as a Microsoft Cloud for…

A word cloud encompassing all the elements of a successful SaaS business transformation

Achieving fast, tangible results transforming your partner business to SaaS – a report from the real world

We have all heard about the need to adapt to the SaaS/recurring business model and the challenges of IT vendors…

AI-powered root cause analysis improves product quality 

Solving quality issues remains a challenge  Manufacturers know problems can occur at any stage of production. These issues can cause…

A road extends forward and upward into the sky, toward a cloud shaped like a dollar sign. Hyperscalers provide the infrastructure and support to deliver high-powered solutions through the cloud with ease.

Cloud marketplaces and the future of B2B sales

Digital transformation has crept into every facet of our lives, simplifying how we live and work. It’s paved the way…

Photo of multi-colored toy building blocks, representing the building-block approach offered in a flexible low-code approach to Sustainability and ESG.

Low-code building block approach to sustainability and ESG

Today in Sustainability and ESG, we are navigating an ever-changing and uncertain landscape. For organizations trying to meet new regulations…

Partner Academy illustration with hand-in-hand representation of partner relationship.

You’ve been accepted into Partner Academy

Congratulations, and welcome to Siemens Partner Academy! You are now part of a world-class program that provides limitless opportunities for…

High tech mold and tooling machinery in action

Mold design software isn’t a carton of milk

Across the world, tooling companies are making a tough choice: to continue designing molds the way they are now or…

Chalkboard with the word Brand written on it

4 tips for capitalizing on your brand

As a partner owner, how do you build your company’s brand? While many B2B companies agree that brand marketing is…