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Great User Experience: Why people choose Simcenter Flotherm

Not that it isn’t the most fully-featured electronics cooling CFD on the market, with a 30+ year pedigree of course….

To believe or not?

You can believe or you can disbelieve, but is your belief based on evidence?  As children many of us grew…

High Accuracy Performance Predictions and Permanent Magnet Protection of Electromagnetic Devices

Designers of modern motors, generators, transformers, actuators and other electromagnetic (EM) devices are beginning to face challenging performance criteria for…

Python and Simcenter Flomaster – Make your own apps

Simulation software, has traditionally been the domain of the experts, however more recently simulation has been extended to the wider…

Introducing Simcenter Flotherm 2019.2

One of the best parts of my job as the Product Manager for Simcenter Flotherm is showing our users what…

From Lab Scale to Plant Scale using Simulation

As anyone who has ever raised a child will know, parenting (in whatever form) is a scale-up problem. Each child…

Increase Engineering Productivity

The global competitive landscape for manufacturing is squeezing everyone—from Tier 1 automotive companies to electronics goods manufacturers. It is shortening…

What they didn’t teach you in school about heat transfer

What do the following design projects have in common? If you say simulation, you’re partially right. Simulation is important in…

Simcenter MAGNET and Simcenter Motorsolve 2019.1

What’s New in Simcenter MAGNET & Motorsolve 2019.1

There are some significant new capabilities in the latest version of both Simcenter MAGNET and Simcenter Motorsolve 2019.1, including predicting electromagnetically-induced vibro-acoustics.