Durability testing

All about durability testing and engineering at your fingertips

Learn about durability testing and engineering from the basics. Understand fundamental behaviors of a system and its components to avoid product failure.

Introducing the Simcenter Sound Camera

Jeroen Lanslots is Product Manager and responsible for Simcenter Sound Camera, a release in the Sound Source Localization (SSL) family. Here is a short interview about it.

Simcenter SCADAS Maintenance – Why you should do it

Gathering reliable data fast and easy is a strong competitive advantage in the simulation-test world and an absolute trademark for us as a company. Therefore, we dedicate a lot of time and energ…

Simcenter SCADAS Satellite lifts up durability testing

Simcenter SCADAS Satellite is a data acquisition system designed for complex durability testing campaigns requesting high-channel-count.


Talk about: Simcenter Testlab Jury Testing

No one likes to talk more about a product than the Product Managers themselves. Agnieszka Oltarzewska introduces Simcenter Testlab Jury Testing, the software that allows to collect subjective opinions on a sound of a product.

Kverneland Group Kerteminde AS (Kverneland Group)

Kverneland engineers designing durable agriculture equipment

Growing up in Wisconsin, a state in the USA known pretty much for cheese and farming (and the Green Bay Packers, but then we would be completely off topic), well, I thought I knew all the brands of t…