mlmm on airplane

MLMM: Modal testing made easy with a new technique

Read about MLMM technique and improve the way modal testing is performed and how it helps test engineers achieve better results faster.

Volume mesh on aircraft fuel tank with CAD preparation in Simcenter STAR-CCM+

5 Steps to prepare CAD for CFD Simulation…The Easy Way!

“If you want to go far, go together. If you want to go fast, go alone!” At some point, we…

Record dynamic drive data for active sound design

Test-drive your car from home with active sound enhancement

Using real dynamic driving data, the validation of Active Sound Enhancement can be largely done from a desk with virtual vehicle tuning.

Multiscale simulation in the process industry – better together

Discover how CFD and process simulation can now be combined efficiently to solve multi-scale challenges in the process industry.

Grab a coffee and catch up on marine CFD!

Learn how marine CFD is being used for hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, propulsion and… dolphins?

Electrothermal analysis aided by VHDL-AMS thermal netlist from Simcenter Flotherm

Electrothermal circuit simulation enabled by VHDL-AMS thermal netlists

Using circuit simulation software without incorporating electrothermal analysis to account for temperature effects and heat dissipation is a pretty big…

Introducing temperature and velocity dependent tire modeling

With release 2020.2 the Simcenter Tire team introduces the explicit modeling of the effects of temperature and velocity on the…

Various driving styles impact fuel consumption and emissions

How do vehicle system simulation models really behave?

Learn why you need upgraded driver and transmission models of Simcenter Amesim 2020.1

A trileaflet mechanical heart valve

Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) of a Trileaflet Heart Valve

A long-awaited opportunity Working from home has become the new normal for many of us. And while schools and day…