Celebrating World Youth Skills Day

World Youth Skills Day – Inspiring the Minds of Tomorrow

Discover how Simcenter community gave young generation a complete view of the Simcenter high-tech world during a two-day tour

Star-CCM+ for academic and students

Guide for students to run Simcenter STAR-CCM+ from home (or elsewhere)

The Simcenter STAR-CCM+ academic program aims to help students get access to the full commercial version of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ through their academic affiliation. Learn how

The Simcenter Amesim student edition gets revamped – download it!

Download the new Simcenter Amesim Student Edition will give your access to a new set of capabilities by using the…

simcenter academic free resources

Simcenter gives students and educators free training courses

Worldwide colleges and universities have sent students back home. In these situations, self and remote learning is the best (and…

Vehicle durability testing with SimRod

SimRod experience: From Belgian blocks to vehicle durability testing (part 1)

Vehicle durability testing definitely belongs to the critical testing when developing a new vehicle. Until today, OEMs worldwide spend extensive…

Using a digital twin to validate advanced mechatronic motion control systems

I-MECH, bridging the gap between the latest research results and the best industrial practice

Welcome to the next generation of Simcenter users

During the Simcenter Conference 2019, we met the next generation of engineers using simulation for either their research work or master’s degree class projects.

What they didn’t teach you in school about heat transfer

What do the following design projects have in common? If you say simulation, you’re partially right. Simulation is important in…

Cranfield University and Siemens Industry Software join strengths together to support the aerospace companies meet their environmental agenda

Move the aircraft propulsion electrification to the next level through simulation

Cranfield University and Siemens Industry Software join strengths together to support the aerospace companies meet their environmental agenda