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The Expanding Simulation Needs of Engineers

In modern product development, most everyone knows how important simulation is to successful design. Run analyses early to drive better design decisions. Run analyses late to verify performance. Do t…

5 reasons to visit Siemens PLM and IDS at EUCAP 2019

Siemens PLM and strategic partner Ingegneria Dei Sistemi (IDS ) are teaming up to participate at the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation 2019 (EUCAP), taking place March 31 st to April …

Quick guide: Predicting pass-by noise earlier in the vehicle development cycle

Noise pollution is an emerging issue and is becoming a hot topic around the world. More and more countries strive to improve the living environment and decreasing sound levels is one of the …

Colorful Fluid Dynamics? Say it again, I dare you…

“Colorful Fluid Dynamics”, an old pun on the Computational Fluid Dynamics acronym, CFD, can be divisive. Doug McLean, Boeing Technical Fellow (retired), offered the following perspective from his exc…

Electric vehicles are not quiet! Join the 3 day hands-on masterclass

Greta Thunberg is everywhere these days. For those of you who happen to not know her (is that possible?): Greta is a Swedish 16-year old activist that wants to stop global warming and climate change….

The 2019 Reality Check: Autonomous Driving

We are just back from Lerum, Sweden and, no, we didn’t see any moose. (You’ll hear more about the Swedish trip later.) But seriously, you are probably wondering why the moose? Well actually, a moose …

Make your Simcenter Amesim model real-time compatible

«A good model is a judicious trade-off between realism and simplicity.” [Anu Maria, Introduction to modeling and simulation]
This statement perfectly highlights the challenge …

Empowering Design Simulation in a Multi-CAD World

If it feels like your job is speeding up, you’re not alone. Engineers are a first-hand witness to the accelerated product development cycles manufacturer’s face today. While there’s a number of moder…

Engineering “Sense-Think-Act” for reliable autonomous vehicles

It’s a great time to be an engineer in the automotive industry. Our worldwide economies  are significantly evolving, triggered by development in emerging markets, the accelerated pace of new tec…