High fidelity simulation using Simcenter Prescan C++ Simulation interface

With the release of Simcenter Prescan 2019.3, the C++ simulation interface was introduced, making it possible for users to run simulation without need for Matlab Simulink. This on demand webinar goes into this capability a little bit deeper and offers additional insight with use cases.

Where does electricity come from to power your electric car?

Where does electricity come from to power your electric cars?

The plug! Perhaps there is more to it than this.

The E-race: experienced runners do not hurry and visualize the finish line

The leading OEMs are now engaged in the Electrification race and customers are ready to adopt what is no longer a trend.

The “UrbanSmartPark” Project – Intelligent parking solutions in urban areas

This year Siemens have taken part in a recently started project „UrbanSmartPark“, exploring several questions in the domain of automated / smart parking. This is the first publication of a series of blogs about the project.

Electric vehicle warning sounds for pedestrians and bikers in quieter traffic soundscapes.

AVAS: electric vehicle warning sounds

In part 1 of this blog post series we saw that in 2019, Pass-by Noise (PBN) is about preparing for…

catalyst model calibration exhaust simulation

Can only experts in chemistry successfully set-up and tune a catalytic converter model?

How to easily set-up a physical catalyst model in 5 steps All vehicle OEMs have to consider how to reduce…

Simcenter Tire

What’s new in Simcenter Tire 2020.1?

We are pleased to announce the release of MF-Tyre/MF-Swift v2020.1, which offers a single tire model solver for all simulation applications

Vehicle durability testing with SimRod

SimRod experience: From Belgian blocks to vehicle durability testing (part 1)

Vehicle durability testing definitely belongs to the critical testing when developing a new vehicle. Until today, OEMs worldwide spend extensive…

Keeping vehicle ADAS clean in harsh operating conditions

Water management performed earlier in the design phase to improve ADAS