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Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2306 Released! What’s new?

Go faster with GPU-enabled acceleration for an extended set of solvers. Find better designs faster with gradient-based parametric optimization. Tackle…

What’s New in Simcenter Mechanical 2306

Simcenter Mechanical solutions can help you conquer your engineering challenges. Read what’s new in the latest release of Simcenter 3D, Simcenter Tire, Simcenter MAGNET and the other Simcenter Mechanical products.

Siemens and Centrale Nantes to continue cutting-edge simulation research in SPH

Siemens signs an agreement to sponsor a multi-year Academic Chair for funding research activities with Centrale Nantes to continue its…

Fasten your seat belts: the coupled solver is taking off on GPU!

With the coupled solver becoming GPU- native in Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2306 aerospace aerodynamics CFD and many more applications become faster than ever.

Simcenter FLOEFD 2306 CAD embedded CFD software release showing an IGBT power semiconductor on a heatsink for thermal analysis

What’s new in Simcenter FLOEFD 2306? | CAD-embedded CFD simulation

Explore new features in Simcenter FLOEFD 2306 CAD-embedded CFD incl. power electronics thermal, structural analysis; to new Simcenter FLOEFD for Simcenter 3D, and much more

Of white storks, babies, drones and parametric gradient-based optimization for CFD

Parametric Gradient-Based Optimization enables you to leverage adjoint sensitivities of design parameters to find local optima faster.

Common rotor bladed machines with cyclic symmetry

Advances in resonance and cyclic symmetry of bladed rotor assemblies – Simcenter 3D 2306

Cyclic symmetry can be used to reduce solve times of rotor dynamic simulations. With the latest updates to Simcenter 3D it is now easier to find the results you need.

Strength and fatigue analysis wizard guides you to the results – Simcenter 3D 2306

Full integration of strength and fatigue with finite elements Reducing the burden on durability experts Strength and fatigue analysis can…