Simcenter Testlab holiday workflow

See Santa’s Simcenter Testlab holiday workflow. In the spirit of the season, the Simcenter Physical Testing team has a special treat in store that captures the essence and the latest evolutions of our testing solutions. In fact, we thought all the testing engineers out there would appreciate a festive cheer with an engineering twist (yes, we’re proud die-hard testing geeks too).

An engineer's Christmas with impact testing copilot in Simcenter Testlab

Time to jingle the bells with AI-assisted impact testing!

Impact testing can be a slow, error-prone and often non-repeatable process. Read how using ai-assisted impact testing can help a test engineer perform impact tests faster, smarter, and more accurately—without the need to involve another peer to complete the task.

Accelerate and automate your in-field data collection process with Simcenter SCADAS RS & Simcenter Testlab Workflow Automation

Imagine you could fully automate your in-field measurement campaigns, from in-field data collection all the way to data processing. Wouldn’t that be nice?

Soft or solid? Latest technologies for controlling nonlinear dynamic mount stiffness in powertrain NVH prediction

Rubber mounts are indispensable in preventing structural excitations from reaching the cabin (and you!).
Unfortunately, rubber is also an incredibly non-linear material that makes it very difficult to predict its effectiveness. This blog explains how you can eliminate the uncertainty introduced by nonlinear dynamic mount stiffness when predicting (electric) powertrain NVH.

ISMA 2024: Celebrating the roaring success of noise and vibration innovation

ISMA 2024 witnessed an extraordinary partnership between Siemens and KU Leuven, joining forces to amplify the impact of noise and vibration innovation.

Simcenter Testlab 2406 Main image release

What’s new in Simcenter Testlab 2406

With Simcenter Testlab 2406, you can test earlier, smarter, and faster! Get better products to market with greater confidence and fewer prototypes.

Stop and listen before you build it: Virtual Prototype Assembly and NVH simulation in Simcenter Testlab

With the new release of Simcenter Testlab 2406 Virtual Prototype Assembly, you can now increase the analysis detail level by saving the connection responses, allowing for more accurate and comprehensive insights.

Stop developing your cars in Excel

Learn how you can fully automate your test data collection processing and publishing to central storage with the newly released Simcenter Testlab Workflow Automation.

Simcenter SCADAS RS delivers unmatched standalone but connected in-field data collection experience

Learn how updates in the latest Simcenter SCADAS RS data acquisition hardware can help your in-field data collection processes go faster and ensure you capture the right data.