The latest news from Simcenter Physical Testing

Discover the latest news from Simcenter Physical Testing that are transforming the way engineers approach testing. Check back regularly as we continuously update this blog with the freshest Simcenter Physical Testing news, tips, and insights.

Simcenter physical testing resources: Your essential overview

This comprehensive blog post is your one-stop shop for finding the right Simcenter Physical Testing resources. Here you’ll find links, descriptions, and guidance on the various Simcenter solutions for experimental testing, data acquisition, and more. Our goal is to make it simple for you to discover and leverage the full power of Simcenter’s physical testing suite.

Simcenter Micred hardware for thermal characterization

How thermal testing and thermal characterization improve your electronic systems design

Thermal testing and characterization are essential for managing heat in electronic systems, especially as devices become more powerful and compact. By integrating these processes into the design cycle, companies can create reliable products, reduce costs, and ensure compliance with industry standards.

ATE 2023 Simcenter

It’s a wrap! What happened at ATE 2023?

Read the recap of ATE 2023. Discover how Simcenter showcased the latest advancements and cutting-edge technologies in the automotive industry at the Automotive Testing Expo 2023.