Your challenge? Bring machines to market that respond in a balanced way to multiple attributes

You are an industrial machinery builder and are asked to bring to market machines which are answering to multiple attributes in balanced way?
You are expected to design a machine which will be at t…

May The Aerodynamic Force be With You!

May The Aerodynamic Force be With You!

As the old saying goes, in order to run, first you must walk . Whilst this may sound like the advice of a wizened old Jedi Master (although that might be something more like “to run, walk first you …

Increase quality perception with outstanding powertrain acoustics

Today’s vehicles aim at being more energy efficient whilst remaining durable, powerful and less noisy. The most challenging factor among these performance requirements is noise, vibration & harsh…

Femap 11.4.2: Thermal and Flow Solver Parallel Processing Enhancements

The latest version of Femap is 11.4.2 and it contains a number of updates to the thermal and flow capabilities, including enhancements to the parallel processing capability for the thermal and flow s…

How digital twin transforms heavy equipment engineering performance

Greener, quieter, faster, lighter and more durable
Owners and operators of machines are looking to drive down the cost of ownership and to complete projects faster while being faced with t…

Femap 11.4.2: Enhanced Thermal and Flow Simulation Capabilities

The latest version of Femap – 11.4.2 – was released earlier this week and contains a number of enhancements to the thermal and flow simulation capabilities. Highlights include a solution efficiency i…

The E-Fan X: E-aviation is about to happen and sooner than you think


Pretty much everyone in the aviation industry knows that planes need to get quieter, more efficient and less reliant on fossil fuels. But how do you do this when the current …

Femap 11.4.2: Graphical User Interface Updates

In Femap version 11.4.2, released earlier in the week, the thermal and flow solver user interface has been updated to match existing UI workflows in Femap. The updated contemporary graphical user int…

Announcing the release of Femap version 11.4.2

We’re very pleased to announce the availability of the latest release of Femap – version 11.4.2. The software is available from download from the GTAC support site accessible with your webkey.