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Helical Features

Machine design has long been Solid Edge’s strength. Machine design is usually about parts with square corners and flat sides. Sheet metal part, machined plate parts, and turned components along with …

SEU13 Presentations Available for Download

It has taken longer than it should have, but we have the presentations from Solid Edge University 2013 available for download. They are in the Knowledge Base area, and you can search to find them usi…

SEU 13 Photos on Flickr

If you want to relive a little of the glory of Solid Edge University 2013, or if you want to get a pinch of the feeling of what it was like to be there, click the image to the right to go to the Flic…

Get the Most from Synchronous by using a little History

Before I was hired by Siemens, I was asked to present at SEU13. I still consider myself a new user, and not an expert in any way, so I had to say something based on past experience, but demonstrated …

SEU Keynote Addresses

There were four keynote addresses at SEU13 that I want to summarize here:

Chuck Grindstaff – CEO Siemens PLM
Karsten Newbury – GM Mainstream Engineering
Bernard Amadei – Engineers With…

SEU: The People

One of the best things about Solid Edge University is that its a great time to meet people you might never meet otherwise. This is the kind of thing you can’t put a value on, and it could add so much…

ST6 Favorites

ST6 Favorites

Dan Staples delivered the ST6 new stuff in this morning’s session. He said if there was a “theme” for this year, it was geometry creation tools. This is of course good news for anyone who uses CAD pr…

Solid Edge University in Progress

My first Solid Edge University as a Solid Edge employee has begun. Whatever I expected it to be, this is more. First of all, it’s bigger. More people, bigger facility, more sessions, bigger pers…

Solid Edge ST6 Sneak Peek: New Reflective Display mode

ST6 “Sneak Peeks” is a way for us to provide Edgers with some of the upcoming functionality that you can expect to see in the next version of Soldi Edge. These are by no means everything that is in t…