2018 Simcenter Conference: Why you NEED to attend.

Engineering can often be a lonely pursuit. For all the talk of “teamwork” and “collaboration,” most simulation engineers spend a significant amount of their working week alone in a cubicle staring (o…

The Art of Engineering through Design Exploration

In 2017 my house turned 100 years old.  Over the course of that 100 years it has had a relatively interesting life.  Constructed in the lush, forested, Pacific Northwest at the turn of…

Preview: Simcenter STAR-CCM+ v13.04

The latest release of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ will help you to engineer innovation.
Driven by the competing demands of evolving customer expectations and increased emis…

Stitch in time with Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Surface Repair

        Are you one of those CFD engineers always running up against time with too many finger-crossing moments? Are those moments most frequent at the geometry preparation and vo…

A CFD Story: The Brief History of Formula One Aerodynamics

If you are a casual fan of Formula One it’s likely you may have come across either the phrase “CFD” or “Virtual Wind Tunnel Simulation” in any TV commentary when the sub…

Deep dive in the magnificent world of VEM and VTM

Last week, I joined a 2 day master class on vehicle energy management (VEM) and vehicle thermal management (VTM) master class in Chassieu, Lyon, in France. Together with 50 customers and industry exp…

marine co-simulation is the way to avoid negative news headlines

Co-simulation, or how to change the headlines on marine emissions

How can co-simulation make the marine industry hit the headlines for the right reasons?

Driving down the cost of airplane programs requires “Certification by Analysis”

As a frequent traveler, I am often amazed at the safety and efficiency of modern air travel. Flying has become the safest form of transportation and it’s not by accident (no pun intended). The&n…

How Virtual Reality (VR) is changing the way you design, promote and sell

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Virtual Reality Experience
“Your move, Elon!”   screamed the billboard just outside the Palexpo Convention Center in Geneva, venue of the Geneva International Motor Show …