Where exactly does hypersonic fit into the flow regime of speeds and what’s so special about it with regards to its physics?
The NVH process used to develop electric powertrains changes the vehicle occupants’ experience and perception of quality. Vibrations have become…
The flip-flop engineering symposium Monday, December 9, 2019, 7 pm. Sunset Beach Elementary School Cafeteria, Oahu’s North Shore, Hawaii. Two…
What do (combustion) engineers and the Beach Boys have in common? They care about “Good Vibrations”.
Find out what ancient shipbuilding has to do with jet engines, and why digitalization is key for aircraft engine program success
Boost your ability to model the complexity of multi-physics CFD applications & explore engineering possibilities with Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2206
Carry too much stuff and you will end up running out of energy half way through the trip, don’t carry…
“If only we knew how to do a proper Performance Map CFD!” Engineers across the planet regularly deal with answering…
Having access to the properties of the right materials which are reliable and referenced is not always easy in e-motor…