Strategies to deliver lighter, stronger and more durable vehicles

The pop band Queen knew it already in the late eighties, when they released the song “I want it all”. The next 20 years proved them right. We do want it all, and this also applies for the vehicles we…

Act now: Final day of 2017 Quadfecta: Engineer Better Products with Simulation & Test event

Final Day, Friday, August 18th
Have  you heard? This event ends today, so have fun while it lasts.
Registration is as easy as clicking here
Something is happening hear… …

2017 Quadfecta/Day 3: Engineer Better Products with Simulation & Test event, never too late to join

2017 Quadfecta: Engineer Better Products with Simulation & Test event
Day Three, Thursday, August 17th
You mean there’s more? Yes, two more days. Don’t miss them.
Registration is as easy a…

One if by land..Day 2 of 2017 Quadfecta: Engineer Better Products with Simulation & Test event

2017 Quadfecta: Engineer Better Products with Simulation & Test event
Day two, Wednesday, August 16th
Registration is as easy as clicking here
By land, or by sea, nothing stops a…

Oh, so you are really interested in attending the 2017 Quadfecta? Good for you!

Oh, so you are really interested in attending the 2017 Quadfecta? Good for you!

2017 Quadfecta: Engineer Better Products with Simulation & Test event
Registration is as easy as clicking here
Day One, Tuesday, August 15th
Fundamentals of Rotating Machinery – Vie…

Suspense been killing you? Wait no longer – the 2017 Quadfecta is here!

                         Get out of the heat and join us at the coolest engineering event of the summer

SDC Verifier with Simcenter 3D Helps Ensure Your FE models Meet Industry Standards

How can you ensure that your FE analysis can meet industry standards?
The essence of finite element analysis is to ensure that your product will perform as you intended it to. But most product desi…

Design by Experience or Data?

Product design is an innovative process. Churning out truly original designs requires visionary insight, out-of-the box thinking, and more importantly experience. Yes, a lot of experience. On the oth…

Discovering a highly realistic Motorcycle Simulator

Siemens Industry Software NV as part of Siemens PLM Software heavily invests in innovation through collaborative research and building an extensive network of academic and industrial partners.
The …