STAR-ICE: Internal Combustion Engine simulation comes to STAR-CCM+

The Economist recently published an obituary to the Internal Combustion Engine in an article which opened with the statement that:”It had a good run. But the end is in sight for the machine that chan…

Strategies to deliver lighter, stronger and more durable vehicles

The pop band Queen knew it already in the late eighties, when they released the song “I want it all”. The next 20 years proved them right. We do want it all, and this also applies for the vehicles we…

How Faurecia builds clean and long-lasting exhaust systems

Read about how Faurecia successfully design clean and long-lasting exhaust systems with RLDA enineering from Simcenter Testing Solutions.

Durability testing

All about durability testing and engineering at your fingertips

Learn about durability testing and engineering from the basics. Understand fundamental behaviors of a system and its components to avoid product failure.


Daimler: Digital twins in durability for the ‘best cars in the world’

Daimler cars are said to be the best in the world, also with regards to durability engineering. And no doubt they are. Saying is one thing, but accomplishing this is quite something else. How did the…

LMS Test.Lab 17 – All you need to know

Discover the new features and enhacements that LMS Test.Lab 17 brings to you to increase the efficiecy of your physical testing activities.


Silencing traffic noise with pass-by noise engineering

Read about noise reduction laws and how pass-by noise engineering can help achieving these noise goals. Also find a link to the free on-demand webinar.

The sound of a legend: Lamborghini’s acoustic facility

amborghini’s acoustic facility has been expanded with new acoustic test room for prototype and pre-series vehicle development.

Introducing the Simcenter Sound Camera

Jeroen Lanslots is Product Manager and responsible for Simcenter Sound Camera, a release in the Sound Source Localization (SSL) family. Here is a short interview about it.