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Introduction: The vision to revolutionize the surfing industry – a five-part series

What is it about surfing? For many, it’s freedom. It’s a sense of adventure and the feel of riding the…

Siemens Xcelerator: Digitalization to prepare for tomorrow

As companies look toward the future, many are asking, “How do we preserve what we have?” But, customers expect greater…

The Role of the Digital Thread and Digital Twin in Digital Transformation

Manufacturing organizations across the globe are sinking significant investments into digital transformation to improve development of products and manufacturing plants….

The digital twin’s changing role

Over the past few years, the manufacturing industry has spent a lot of time discussing the value of the digital…

Where does a digital transformation start?

Where do you start and where do you go with your digital transformation? Lifecycle Insights recently surveyed companies to discover…

Openness in the Supply Chain Ecosystem by Lifecycle Insights

Lifecycle Insights recently surveyed companies to discover their level of their digital transformation. Their research indicated that the most progressive…

Frost & Sullivan awards Siemens for digitalization strategy

Siemens Digital Industries Software was recently awarded Frost & Sullivan’s 2020 Global Market Leadership Award for its success in netting…

What can give startups the competitive edge?

How can startups compete against companies that have been in the game for years, if not decades? As an innovator…

Human-centered manufacturing, for every product in every industry

Here’s a riddle: What can improve the quality of our lives? What connects us and keeps us safe? What can…