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Digital Threads and Business Processes

Manufacturers of all stripes are pursuing digital transformation efforts to meet the evolving needs of product development. The digital thread…

The Open Enterprise: Openness within the organization

Openness is about living in a world where no one company owns all the data flows and applications within a…

The Open Enterprise: What is Openness?

Given the recent changes to work-at-home dynamics, weaknesses in our working practice and the technology we use have become much…

The digital mindset: How two companies used digitalization to disrupt the automotive industry

Innovators can see things that others can’t. Some can look at an empty space and imagine a factory that will…

Accessibility, flexibility and scalability for the digital transformation

In our previous blogs, Your digital future: more flexible, scalable, accessible and Digital Transformation: Are you the disrupter?, we introduced…

Digital transformation: Are you the disrupter?

Welcome to 2023. Imagine what your manufacturing business looks like today. Have you gone through a digital transformation? According to…

Your digital future: more flexible, scalable, accessible

An innovator never runs out of ideas: The opportunities for change in this world are endless. But innovators need suppliers…

Teil 5: Wie verbindet man Technologie mit Leidenschaft, um seine Vision zu verwirklichen?

In Teil 4 unserer Serie über Surf Loch mit dem Titel Wie kann man das Surfen unabhängig von Wind und Wetter…

Part 5: How do you combine technology and passion to realize your vision?

In part four of our Surf Loch series, How do you expand the geographic limitations of surfing? we discussed how Surf Loch…