
Frost & Sullivan awards Siemens for digitalization strategy

By Conor Peick

Siemens Digital Industries Software was recently awarded Frost & Sullivan’s 2020 Global Market Leadership Award for its success in netting almost 20 percent of the market for integrated digital platforms. Xcelerator, our integrated portfolio of software, services and an application development platform was key to this achievement.

Tomorrow’s industries will be shaped by digital enterprises ranging in size from startup companies to enterprise-scale participants. These digital enterprises will share data and collaborate in the design, manufacture and deployment of advanced products and processes across discrete and process industries. Digital enterprises will share three critical business imperatives that will drive operational excellence and digital transformation:

Imperatives for digital industrial transformation

Comprehensive digital twin

First, the comprehensive digital twin is at the center of digital transformation. It comprises many digital threads at varying levels of abstraction from product design, manufacturing and in-field utilization data from the IoT. By combining these digital threads, the comprehensive digital twin merges the virtual and physical worlds to enable unparalleled cross-domain engineering, virtual validation and continuous product and process improvement through a closed feedback loop supported by cloud-based analytics.

Adaptable solutions solving business challenges

Next, every organization faces unique challenges and, therefore, demands tailored solutions and a customized point-of-entry to digitalization. Modern solutions must adapt to each company’s digital roadmap and unique characteristics. Adaptable solutions empower companies to derive insight and accelerate digitalization by connecting new and legacy systems, automating processes and facilitating data analytics. Low-code and no-code application development platforms are a critical component. Low-code platforms open up the ability to drive business transformation through custom software applications.

Open ecosystem – collaborative manufacturing software

Finally, as products become more complex, companies will need to create new connections both within and beyond their organization to leverage technology and experience from around the industry. This industrial network effect brings buyers, developers, designers, production houses, sub-contractors, suppliers and others together in a global ecosystem with hubs of innovation and collaboration. Tight integrations with this industrial network will be a key characteristic of a thriving digital enterprise.

Siemens enables your digital transformation roadmap

The Xcelerator portfolio enables companies to adopt these imperatives quickly and with predictable outcomes as part of their digital transformation. Xcelerator integrates software and services from all functional and engineering domains to provide customers with a unified environment that brings the virtual and physical worlds together for the entire product lifecycle. In addition, the portfolio is built on the cloud, offering adaptable solutions that gather and leverage product data in a closed feedback loop, and low-code custom application development that helps customers gain new insights.

With these capabilities, companies can break down silos, innovate at speed and deliver the future to their customers faster than ever. As Rohit Karthikey, Industry Analyst from Frost & Sullivan, put it, “Such a diverse line of solutions offered in a modular, open portfolio makes Xcelerator a game-changing catalyst for companies of all sizes.”

You can learn more about the 2020 Global Market Leadership Award here. Or, to learn more about Siemens Digital Industries Software and the Xcelerator portfolio, click here.

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