Siemens is on the pulse of groundbreaking innovations. In step with that objective, the Thought Leadership Team at Siemens Digital Industry Software provides podcasts, blogs, articles and white papers based on the knowledge of engineers and experts in their field. We discuss what Siemens is doing in many industries while forecasting the landscape of innovative technologies.

Our team focuses on emerging technologies in the next two to five years that Siemens is investing in and for which we are developing solutions.

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Driving digital transformation through visualization

The phrase “A picture is worth a thousand words” is generally attributed to a newspaper editor, Arthur Brisbane, who first…

Autonomous Vehicle Development from Chip to City (Part 2)

Autonomous vehicle development – Where mobility meets tomorrow Autonomous vehicles (AVs) combine multiple sensors, computers and communications technologies to ensure…

barriers to adopting additive manufacturing

Barriers to adopting additive manufacturing (Part 4) – open territory, technical challenges and design

In parts one, two and three of this series on the barriers to adopting additive manufacturing, we discussed some of the industry’s challenges that…

The future in manufacturing for Aerospace and Defense. Where manufacturing meets tomorrow. (webinars)

Aerospace & Defense (A&D) manufacturing is in the early stages of unprecedented innovation. Granted, there are challenges from COVID-19 –…

additive manufacturing

Podcast series: Additive manufacturing – an industrial revolution (Part 2) – customization, simulation, the future

Listen on: iTunes Google Podcasts <!– Spotify –> Stitcher TuneIn RSS Additive manufacturing (AM) or 3d printing and its Industry…

Virtual reality and augmented reality help automotive engineers collaborate in virtual spaces.

How innovation is helping automotive companies overcome COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and suppliers to rethink how they design, develop and manufacture…

barriers to adopting additive manufacturing

Barriers to adopting additive manufacturing (Part 3) – AM Experience Center

In parts one and two of this series on the barriers to adopting additive manufacturing, we discussed some of the industry’s challenges that are hindering…

Podcast Transcript – Efficiency and Sustainability Benefits of Digitalization

In the last episode of the Digital Powers Flexible podcast, our experts examined the struggle to adapt the consumer product…

complex machine validations

Addressing the complexities of advanced machine engineering (webinars)

By diving deep into advanced machine engineering solutions, we notice that today’s machinery design trends can be summed up in…