Siemens is on the pulse of groundbreaking innovations. In step with that objective, the Thought Leadership Team at Siemens Digital Industry Software provides podcasts, blogs, articles and white papers based on the knowledge of engineers and experts in their field. We discuss what Siemens is doing in many industries while forecasting the landscape of innovative technologies.

Our team focuses on emerging technologies in the next two to five years that Siemens is investing in and for which we are developing solutions.

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3D medical implants

Additive manufacturing and 3D implants

Additive manufacturing, or 3D technology, provides medical devices with organic shapes and methods for personalization.

Podcast series: Smart manufacturing (Part 4) – creating a smart factory

Innovative manufacturing techniques for smart factory operations.

Providing online engineering learning opportunities for students

Academics is more than what transpires in the traditional classroom. Self-teaching, via online learning, provides mass customization of the education…

Additive manufacturing technologies provide solutions

The most significant challenge customers face in adopting additive manufacturing is a reluctance to open their minds to its possibilities for value and cost. These expectations need to be addressed u…

The Future of AI part 1: early adopters and misconceptions

The future of artificial intelligence doesn’t look one single way. AI is poised to benefit a multitude of industries in a variety of different ways. What does artificial intelligence in the near-term…

Why not to justify buying cloud engineering software

Why consider cloud?
Manufacturers are opening up to the cloud. As our The Subtle Shift to “Why not Cloud?” post explains, industrial companies are starting to consider cloud solutions for their pro…

Podcast series: Smart manufacturing (Part 3) – parts manufacturing

Industrial machinery in manufacturing is witnessing astounding technological advancements based on smart manufacturing. However, with dynamic changes comes …

additive manufacturing

Additive manufacturing – not just for prototyping

A recent article in AutomationWorld states, “Additive manufacturing is no longer just for prototypes. Its increasing popularity and technical capabilities have pushed it into position to change the w…

The possibilities of AI: an overview of AI in the workplace

Artificial intelligence is a bit like a car. If you don’t fill up the tank, it’s not going to go anywhere. Artificial intelligence is fueled by data; therefore, it needs to be fed a consistent amount…