Inside the battery: discover the power of electrochemical modeling in Simcenter Amesim

Introduction In the rapidly evolving realm of e-mobility and electrical stationary storage systems, it becomes crucial to have precise battery…

Simcenter wheel

Simcenter Fluids and Thermal solution domain: What’s new?

Look into the most recent release highlights of Simcenter Fluids and Thermal solutions, December 2024.

Learn how Simcenter Studio can help you innovate with AI and ML and SysML v2

Simcenter Studio 2410 – Next-generation AI/ML and SysML v2 at your fingertips

In a highly competitive market, standing still is as good as going backwards. What do you need to take your…

Simcenter Prescan 2411 - sky over carpark

Simcenter Prescan 2411 – Automated animations with enhanced camera & radar capability

Learn how you can improve your animations and benefit from other great updates in Simcenter Prescan 2411.

Driving digital transformation in aviation

Driving digital transformation in aviation (with capable engineering simulation software)

Why is driving digital transformation in the aviation industry crucial? The aviation industry is continuously progressing, with aircraft advancements becoming…

Heavy Equipment Digital Transformation

How to accelerate your heavy equipment digital transformation

Check out the latest information on Simcenter solutions for heavy equipment performance engineering.

What's new on Simcenter Culgi 2411?

Simcenter Culgi 2411 released! What’s new?

Ensure accurate material property prediction, improve viscosity calculations, cut fragmentation time by up to 10x with Simcenter Culgi 2411

Cold to hot transformations in turbomachinery

When cold-to-hot transformation plays a role in turbomachinery

The impact of geometrical changes on performance and durability Turbomachinery engineers and designers face a significant challenge when it comes…

Simcenter Testlab 2406 Main image release

What’s new in Simcenter Testlab 2406

With Simcenter Testlab 2406, you can test earlier, smarter, and faster! Get better products to market with greater confidence and fewer prototypes.