Heavy Equipment Digital Transformation

How to accelerate your heavy equipment digital transformation

Check out the latest information on Simcenter solutions for heavy equipment performance engineering.

Accelerate and automate your in-field data collection process with Simcenter SCADAS RS & Simcenter Testlab Workflow Automation

Imagine you could fully automate your in-field measurement campaigns, from in-field data collection all the way to data processing. Wouldn’t that be nice?

Heavy equipment durability testing: Living on the edge!

Learn about features of Simcenter SCADAS RS hardware, Simcenter SCADAS RS Recorder App, and Simcenter Testlab software. All can help you tackle your daily testing challenges by boosting your test productivity for several different activities.

Let’s not forget why superior vehicle durability matters

Vehicle durability is still as important today as it was yesterday. Understand why it still matters and learn about the latest technologies that help you meet strength and durability targets.

Simcenter Testlab 2406 Main image release

What’s new in Simcenter Testlab 2406

With Simcenter Testlab 2406, you can test earlier, smarter, and faster! Get better products to market with greater confidence and fewer prototypes.

No room for extra weight nor risk: just test it right with Simcenter Testlab Neo Mission Synthesis

Achieving the perfect balance between weight reduction and durability is absolutely crucial. With tools like Simcenter Testlab Neo Mission Synthesis, you can ensure that your designs are both lightweight and robust, by tailoring tests to real-world conditions.

Simcenter SCADAS RS delivers unmatched standalone but connected in-field data collection experience

Learn how updates in the latest Simcenter SCADAS RS data acquisition hardware can help your in-field data collection processes go faster and ensure you capture the right data.

Hyundai’s durability testing boosted by Simcenter SCADAS RS and Simcenter Testlab

Hyundai’s new rugged data acquisition system to acquire road load data in harsh environments, including vibration and EV battery durability measurement, led to a 12% decrease in testing time, thanks to Simcenter.

measurement data processing

Automated processing of measurement data – get rid of repetitive tasks

Automate measurement data processing with Simcenter Testlab. Compare noise, vibration, and efficiency effortlessly, saving time and reducing errors. Streamline your workflow!