
How to accelerate your heavy equipment digital transformation

By Adele Dolique

Catch up on simulation and testing solutions for heavy equipment performance engineering, to support your digital transformation.

A year ago, I shared our Simcenter vision for the heavy equipment market. Over the last 12 months, our team worked heavily on developing and sharing the most up-to-date information about how Simcenter solutions focus on strategic innovation areas to improve your machines and support your heavy equipment organization in its digital transformation.

As an industry player, you’re facing many challenges: new and changing regulations, population growth and related needs (food, housing, energy), workforce shortages, and, finally, multiple working environments for your operators to navigate.

As always, our ongoing mission is to guide you into your digital transformation with our comprehensive simulation and testing solutions. Simcenter supports your engineering department on four main application domains:

Power source efficiency
Operator comfort and safety
Machine reliability and durability
Precise operability technologies
Main engineering domains supported by simulation & testing solutions at Siemens Digital Industries Software

Hold on – Did you say that you missed the live events we hosted over the past year? No worries. There’s still time to catch-up:

Or, would you prefer to read than listen? Stay tuned over the coming months; white papers will be shortly released on the same topic. Subscribe to our communications preference center to receive an email when that’s released.

A conversation about the role of digitalization in the heavy equipment market

In collaboration with Tom Stone from the specialized IVT International magazine, we brought together the following group of experts to discuss the impact that Simcenter has had on their businesses. Gennaro Monacelli from CNH Industrial, Yohann Brunel from Poclain Hydraulics, Alastair Hayfield from Interact Analysis, and Gaétan Bouzard from Siemens Industry Software Simulation & Testing.

Panelists, expert of the Heavy Equipment industry gathered during one hour to speak about digital transformation.

Over an hour, they discussed:

  • How digitalization is changing the heavy industry’s way of doing things
  • When it comes to design engineering, why does simulation have so much potential?
  • Can all the heavy machine multi-physics systems, including electric, thermal, fluid, mechanical, and control, be covered at once by simulation?
  • How to reach 100% confidence in the model? With the use of physical data acquisition during test campaigns to support the model calibration.
  • How does scalability impact team collaboration within a company and interaction among OEM/Suppliers?
  • What’s next in the future of the industry?

Prefer to read about this instead of listening?  Check out the recently released article inspired by the above discussion in the Engineer Innovation magazine: Heavy Lifting: Taking Heavy Equipment into the Digital Age 

What’s next for your organisation digital transformation?

Well, enough about what we focused on last year. What’s next?

One of our flagships events is a live session to be hosted on January 25th, where we will discuss the overall Simcenter solutions and synergies for each of the listed topics above – and below. Please save the date and join us to get that overview.*

We are also thrilled to start a new chapter about how digitalization can streamline your engineering processes and enable them to interact with departments involved in your product design. For that purpose, will we address:

  • Smart and connected systems (March 15th – Save the date!*). If you wonder how you can:
    • predict maintenance before an issue happens,
    • take better design decisions based on in-field fleet data, and
    • drive performance requirements based on realistic field data,
  • Data, model, and configuration management (May24th – Save the date!*) . On that topic, your questions might be related to how can you: Accelerate the performance validation of all machine configurations? Capitalize on the engineering work done to realize the Digital Twin?  ​Guarantee model coherency and traceability across the enterprise?​

Our New Year’s resolution.

Well, yes, it’s a bit early, but we want you to know as soon as possible that our goal is to get feedback from you: your vision, your ideas, and your success stories about Simcenter solutions. We have many ways to honor your comments: Engineering Innovation magazine, Success stories, Simcenter podcast episodes, and Realize Live conferences.  

Feel free to reach out to me directly! I’d love to hear from you.

* Save the date in your calendar and subscribe to our communications preference center to receive the official invitation two weeks before the event.

This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at