A Simcenter FLOEFD Halloween Horror Story

Don’t let your simulation turn into a prolonged horror story, use Simcenter FLOEFD today!

Simcenter FLOEFD

Heat Transfer and its importance in our everyday lives

For an engineer, the term “heat transfer” is well known as usually every engineer with a STEM background has had…

10 weeks and counting…

There are now over 160 speakers committed to present their engineering innovations at the Simcenter Conference this December.   
A…is for Airbus, discussing their air condition…

Fast and accessible simulation for design engineers

The world of simulation has come a long way over the past few years. One of the most significant changes is the addition of know-how embedded in the software to help design engineers use simulation s…

Simcenter FLOEFD 2019.2: What’s New?

Simcenter FLOEFD 2019.2: What’s New?
Simcenter FLOEFD 2019.2 was released in mid-June 2019. The new version provides a range of new features and enhancements – from radiation scattering fo…

One Giant Leap

Fifty years ago, millions of people from across the globe witnessed an extraordinary event. On July 16th, a rocket carrying three astronauts left the earth carrying the hopes and dreams of an entire …

Simcenter FLOEFD 2019.1: What’s New?

Simcenter FLOEFD 2019.1: What’s New?
Simcenter FLOEFD 2019.1 was released in March 2019. With this release, a new version numbering was introduced and the switch to a continuous release wa…

Simcenter FLOEFD v18.0: What’s New? – Part 2

Simcenter FLOEFD v18.0: What’s New? – Part 2
In Part 1 of the v18.0 post, you saw some new features of Simcenter FLOEFD such as battery cooling, OneSim, and auto calibration of semiconductors. Now …

Simcenter FLOEFD v18.0: What’s New? – Part 1

Simcenter FLOEFD v18.0: What’s New? – Part 1
Good news for the Simcenter FLOEFD user community: Simcenter FLOEFD v18.0 has been released, learn what great new features have been released in v18.0 a…