Prologue: The 2020 Wilson Research Group Functional Verification Study

This is the first in a sequence of blogs that presents the findings from our new 2020 Wilson Research Group…

SystemVerilog Race Condition Challenge Responses

SystemVerilog Race Condition Challenge Responses

As promised, here is my response to Siemens EDA’s SystemVerilog Race Condition Challenge. Race #1 Blocking and non-blocking assignments  …


Time for Another Revision of the SystemVerilog IEEE 1800 Standard

Between Accellera and the IEEE, there have been seven revisions of the SystemVerilog Language Reference Manual (LRM) over the past…

SystemVerilog Race Condition Challenge

If there’s one thing I’ve learned since coming to Mentor early last year, it’s that the SystemVerilog language gives developers…

DAC 2020: A Rare Virtual Opportunity in Professional Development!

DAC 2020: A Rare Virtual Opportunity in Professional Development!

Probably one of the most important pieces of advice I ever received was given to me when I was a…

PCIe Gen5: A pathway to address Data Explosion and Emerging Technologies

PCIe Gen5: A pathway to address Data Explosion and Emerging Technologies

As the technology scales or shrinks, there are always some bottlenecks that need to be addressed sometimes it is the…

Asking better questions on the Verification Academy Forums with EDAPlayground

Asking better questions on the Verification Academy Forums with EDAPlayground

The forums on the Verification Academy have been around for about a decade (even longer if you count its origins…

Mastering Today’s Emerging Functional Safety Workflows

Mastering Today’s Emerging Functional Safety Workflows

Last week the Verification Academy announced the new Introduction to ISO 26262 “Road vehicles – Functional safety” video course. And…

Navigating the Road to Functional Safety

Navigating the Road to Functional Safety

One example of increasing requirements that are contributing to growing electronic system complexity relates to safety-critical designs, such as ISO…