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Solid Edge ST7 AddIn EdgeBar in C++

  In continuation of my  Solid Edge ST7 AddIn Architecture Overviewand  Solid Edge ST7 AddIn in C++articles, I just published a new article, Solid Edge ST7 AddIn E…

Interpolation is the Name of the Game

My method of explaining the rather wide reaching topic of surfacing is to start from concepts, move on to how to use specific tools, and what the tools do, and then to talk about why or in what situa…

It’s all about Curvature, and Curvature is all about Splines/Curves

If you are an engineer reproducing Industrial Designer stuff, one of the first things you have to do is understand curvature. It’s a different language, and a different way of thinking about geometry…

Translating from Designer to Engineer

In the same way that it’s unfair to say “engineers aren’t creative”, it’s probably also unfair to try to lump all Industrial Designers into the same mold. I’ve worked with ID folks who could not do 3…

Offset Face Relate Enhancements – by Steve Sheldon

In ST7 we have introduced numerous enhancements to the Offset Face Relate command.

Offset to faces with parallel normals
Prior to ST7, you could only establish an Offset Face…

Engineers and Creativity

I had the misfortune a few years back to hear a colleague proclaim at a dinner with about 15 design process professionals in attendance that engineers were not creative people. I can be hot tempered …

Solid Edge ST7 AddIn in C++

  In continuation of my Solid Edge ST7 AddIn Architecture Overview article, I just published a new article, Solid Edge ST7 AddIn in C++. This article is programming language spec…

Interview with Hungarian Reseller, Imre Szucs

Imre Szucs is known by many names around the Solid Edge universe, but everyone knows him as an inexhaustable fountain of ideas and knowledge. I’ve met him at a couple of Solid Edge Universities, and …

Simulation, Analysis and Decisions

While we’re on the topic of abstraction from my previous post, let’s carry it further to simulation. About 15 years ago or so if I’m remembering correctly, we had a movement called the “Up Front” mov…