Complex shape design of a glue gun in Solid Edge

Best practices for complex shape design

Complex shape design can be challenging for designers. Take advantage of universal principles and best practices for the latest CAD tools.

Updating models in Solid Edge technical publications when CAD designs change

Solid Edge allows designers to seamlessly create manuals before a design is finalized, even if the design changes along the way. In this post, we provide a complete walkthrough of the update process using Solid Edge technical publications solution.

Female designer working on a CAD design

DEVELOP3D x Siemens: The Importance of CAD Drawings

As the adoption of 3D modeling becomes more prevalent, it’s easy to downplay the role of technical drawings. But drawings are still very important.

Technical drawings are the primary way t…

Solid Edge User Meet

Solid Edge India User Meet 2021.2 Recap

Solid Edge User Meet is an opportunity to learn and share knowledge with other fellow Edgers. Now with the new normal, these meets are happening on online platform.

Man working on a sheet metal design

Sheet metal design: 8 ways to improve your technique with CAD software

Here are some essential tips to help improve your sheet metal design technique and increase productivity.

John Devitry

Webinar: So you have a great idea – now what?

Written by John Devitry There was lot more to starting my own business than I initially imagined.  While a capable…

Handling Assembly Change Events

Handling Assembly Change Events

This blog will be focusing on the usage of newly introduced enumerations in Solid Edge when handling assembly change events….

Working From Home

10 Tips for Working from Home

I’ve been “remotely located” since 1999 so I’m an old hand at working from home. Let me give you some tips on the subject.

Reference Keys in Solid Edge

Storing the Roadmap of an Object using Solid Edge API

In this post, I’ll walk you through how to store a roadmap of an object using the ReferenceKey automation in Solid Edge to access the same object across different sessions.