
Solid Edge India User Meet 2021.2 Recap

By Pratik Purkait

Solid Edge User Meet is an opportunity to learn and share knowledge with other fellow Edgers. Now with the new normal, these meets are happening on online platform.

This event now focuses on a specific area of interest in Solid Edge. This makes focused discussions on specific functionalities possible. The area of interest for this 2021-2 user meet was Drafting.

I attended the meet on 10th August , 2021, that was hosted by Excel Design Technologies and Solid Edge team from Siemens Digital Industries Software. 25 to 30 participants attended it.

Solid Edge R&D Design team started the event by hosting a word jumble game of Solid Edge Drafting commands. The quick responses from users proved their expertise over the tool.

Afterwards many users discussed their queries, while some typed in the responses and queries. Paras Raina, from Excel Design Technologies, coordinated the queries and responses.

Many users answered the queries in the user meet itself. Paras and Solid Edge design team noted down some of the suggestions.

Some of the notable points and suggestions:

  • Inserting part thumbnails in parts list – Paras advised to use the macro to achieve this, and created an IR that can be further linked to existing enhancement request.
  • Software crashes – Paras suggested that users should file incident report (IR) along with crash-log report. These crash-logs are helpful in identifying the root cause and fixing it.
  • Drawing sheet views for different assembly configurations – One of the users provided a workflow to use different assembly configurations via Display tab in Drawing View Properties dialog.

To sum it up, it was a great opportunity. I am looking forward to future Solid Edge User Meets focusing on other key areas too!


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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at