Making a Block Suitable for Schematics

Solid Edge installs with a lot of blocks that you can use for annotations and schematics, but the need may come up where you need something that isn’t supplied.  You have to make your own. It is…

Bill McClure and Dan Staples in New Positions

Mainstream Engineering, which includes Solid Edge, Femap, and CAM Express, has seen a shuffle at the top. Bill McClure has been the leader of this segment, but is now moving on to VP of Special Proje…

Schematic Diagrams in Solid Edge

Schematic diagrams are one of the purely 2D functions that make Solid Edge such a full-featured CAD program. There are a lot of people who use one program for 3D and another one for 2D. With Solid Ed…

Where 2D is Not an Afterthought

Ok, we’re finally going to get to talk about drawings, or “draft” as you all say in this neck of the woods. For those of you who don’t use Synchronous, and I know that’s a fair number, you get a litt…

Solution Manager: Up Close and Personal

Last week, right at the buzzer (4:45 pm on Friday), Chris Dayton, the man at the levers behind the curtains of Live Rules, agreed to talk to me and answer my questions. Special thanks to Chris for hi…

Live Rules and the Solution Manager

In the last article you got a good primer for how some of the simple functions of Live Rules work. I made a mistake and corrected it where I was talking about the colors of the squares on the Live Ru…

Synchronous Technology and Live Rules

Solid Edge provides no end of potential topics for blog articles. Finding a topic I like is not a difficulty. Narrowing it down to just one idea is probably the hardest part. The next hardest part is…

Solid Edge Adjustable Assemblies

When you work on a Solid Edge assembly, you can move parts that are under constrained. So if a rotational degree of freedom is left  undefined, you can rotate that part while all of the other ma…

Solid Edge Adjustable Parts

The documentation group for just about any software rarely gets good news in public, but there are a couple of things I want to point out before moving forward with the rest of this article. The firs…