How to Minimize Noise and Optimize Sound Quality

The ability to minimize noise and optimize sound quality using acoustic analysis tools early on in the design phase is a critical design requirement that has been traditionally h…

10 Hidden Femap Features

10 Hidden FEMAP Features
FEMAP has a rich set of hidden features for finite element modeling, but not all of them are easy to find.  I’ve created a list of some of my favorite feature…

Improving NX Nastran Performance

Improving NX Nastran Performance
NX Nastran actually comes with two different 64 Bit executables, the standard LP-64, and the optional ILP-64 executable.  The LP-64 executable still u…

SDC Verifier presenting at the 2014 Femap Symposium

Mentioned in a previous blog, SDC Verifier continues to develop the program to help you check your design according to many different design code rules. In his presentation, Wouter will be highlighti…

Femap Tips and Tricks: Automatic Global Ply Creation

In the analysis of composite structures, global plies are very useful in helping to postprocess as they present the results data by continuous ply rather than the whole laminate element by element, w…

Pro-Lambda Presenting at the 2014 Femap Symposium

Fatigue failures constitute about 90% of all fractures in machines and structures. Fatigue damage occurs when a material is subjected to a cyclic loading. At the Femap Symposium (14 – 16 May in Atlan…

MAYA HTT Presenting at the 2014 Femap Symposium

At the Femap Symposium (14 – 16 May in Atlanta), Sairam Prabhakar from Siemens partner MAYA Heat Transfer Technologies will show the entire process of structural design and analysis on a space antenn…

What to do with that new graphics card in FEMAP?

Last month I talked about how to pick out a graphics card for a CAD/CAE program like FEMAP or NX Advanced Simulation.  This month, I want to give a few hints on how to make it work better with F…

Predictive Engineering Presenting at the 2014 Femap Symposium

One of our partners, Predictive Engineering Inc., will be attending and presenting at the Femap Symposium on 16 th May. If you haven’t already registered, do so now and come along to hear George Lai…