Explanation of “Verification” in a DO-254 program

Often times, I’m asked to define what verification activities are required for a DO-254 program. For those experienced in a…

Orchestrating an ISO26262 Fault Campaign

ISO26262 remains the state-of-the-art standard governing the activities required to prove electronics and electronic systems are safe for deployment in…

Formal Verification Experiences: Spiral Refinement Methodology for Silicon Bug Hunting

DVCon U.S. 2021 Best Paper Report – Formal Verification Experiences: Spiral Refinement Methodology for Silicon Bug Hunt

This year’s DVCon U.S. saw many great papers, posters, and tutorials; covering almost every aspect of functional verification. Thus, in…


The Semantics of SystemVerilog Syntax

Trying to grasp any programming language from scratch can be a difficult task, especially when you start by reading the…

Siemens Verification Academy presents “Introduction to ISO 26262”

It’s likely no surprise that EV, ADAS, and AV applications are driving a new level of complexity in the planning,…


P1800-2023 Kick-Off Meeting

There will be an informational kick-off meeting of the P1800 Working group for the next revision of the standard on Thursday, December 17th

AMC 20-152A: A practitioners perspective

A previous post discussed the high level impact of the new AMC 20-152A guidance on DO-254 programs. That post touched…

Join us for Accellera Day India 2020

Accellera Day India 2020 brings focus to the pressing design and verification challenges you have and the evolving standards being…

How AMC 20-152A affects your DO-254 program?

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) recently released new guidance in the development of electronic hardware in airborne systems….