Breaking the Bottleneck: A Smarter Approach to Semiconductor Verification

The semiconductor industry is facing a new reality: traditional verification methods can no longer keep pace with the rapid evolution…

Transforming AI with HBM: Siemens’ Avery VIP powers Rambus’ Industry-First HBM4 Memory Controller

The semiconductor industry is entering a new era, driven by advancements in memory technology and the growing influence of artificial…

Simulation is Key in design verification process

The importance of simulation in the pursuit of absolute speed!

A casual conversation with an ex-insider of the high frequency trading sector reveals surprising details about simulation and their design-verification process

UVM Objections at DVCON US 2024 – and Grape Jelly

Boiling Grape Jelly Stay with me – trust me. There’s a tie in to UVM Objections and DVCON US 2024….

Join us at DVCon for a panel on Generative AI

It’s that time of year again, and I couldn’t be more excited for the 2024 Design & Verification Conference &…

Welcome to the enhanced Verification Academy 2.0 forums!

We’ve recently enhanced the Verification Academy, moving to an all new platform. The Verification Academy is the industry’s leading resource…

Welcome to Verification Academy 2.0!

Step into the enhanced Verification Academy 2.0! After a year of meticulous development, we are thrilled to unveil its array…

Selective hardening in space applications

Introduction The space sector continues to experience disruption as innovation drives the creation of new business models across government and…

Siemens EDA at the 60th DAC

Please mark your calendars for the highly anticipated 60th anniversary Design Automation Conference (DAC). The 60th DAC will take place…