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Making Edits to Migrated Parts

Maybe you noticed that a blog written in third person starts out kind of cool, but the novelty wears off somewhere in the second article. So our story is gonna switch. The engineer that has been work…

Solid Edge Mobile Viewer now for All Android (4.0 and up)

When th e Solid Edge Mobile Viewer for Android was first released, it was only intended for Android tablets. A discussion on the Solid Edge Community Forum (now into its 6 th page) turned into a de…

On the Edge Returns

The On The Edge blog is becoming active again. The main audience of that blog will be non-Solid Edge users, to act as an outreach tool, however everyone from expert to the simply curious are welcome….

Mating Parts in the Engine

When we left our engineer friend last week, he was starting to work on the engine of his pressure washer, but it was such a mess in his old CAD software that he just decided to open it up in Solid Ed…

CAMWorks on the job training: – by Michael Buchli

[editor]: This article was guest written by Michael Buchli, author of The CAMWorks Guide. Michael has worked for CAD resellers, but is now working in industry. Thanks to Michael for submitting this a…

Why you should consider using Simulation

Why you should consider using Simulation

Virtual testing
If you are involved in the manufacture and testing of prototypes, then you know just how costly and time consuming this method of design verification can be. Finite element analysis…

Data Migration Tools

The next series of blog articles that I’m putting together is again based on a request, and again, something that sounds simple on paper turns into a bigger project when you see it in the light of da…

New Whitepaper: Solid Edge customers give their views on SharePoint based design management

A new whitepaper from independent research firm Tech-Clarity shows how Solid Edge users are using SharePoint based design management software to get control of their CAD files and related documents. …

Colors in Solid Edge

A couple of weeks ago I asked for some suggestions for blog article topics on the forum. One of the topics suggested was “adding/creating visual styles/textures”. That’s a bit of a softball topic aft…