Watch a new webinar replay that has some great tips on how to create beautiful rendered images of your products. We hear from many Solid Edge users that their sales and marketing departme…
A replay of a new webinar on generative design is now available on (registration is required). The webinar starts with some interesting survey data and insights from industr…
I know CAM. In fact, it’s fair to say that when someone within the Solid Edge organization has a CAM question, they probably end up talking to me. But for CAD?Let’s just say I’m not first on a…
Accessing Solid Edge document properties to either read or modify is the most common activity performed on Solid Edge documents apart from when manipulating the content of the document itself. &n…
Prolog Designers who use custom programs for automating their routine design tasks that also need to interact with Solid Edge are constantly exploring newer platforms like the .Net b…
I hate to start a blog post with “one of the little known features in Solid Edge ST10 is…” but one capability we added and need to shout to the rooftops about is the new capability to view 3D files i…
The new Greenpower F24 kit has arrived! For those of you not familiar with Greenpower, it’s a program dedicated to promoting engineering and technology to students from ages 9 to 25. As part…
Are you part of an organization which does not believe in saving time, money and energy in particular or resources in general? sounds freakish, right? You can easily tell if this is happening around …
If you have any heat dissipation issues to solve in your designs, or you need to understand better how fluids flow inside or around your designs you may be interested in Engineering Edge, a publicati…