
Try Simcenter Testlab Neo for free!

By Keily SuarezRioja

Explore our multi-domain acquisition and processing platform with a 30-day free trial

We have exciting news for all test enthusiasts! You now have 30 days of free access to Simcenter Testlab Neo. Simcenter Testlab Neo is the next-generation software platform for multidisciplinary test-based performance engineering. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, this trial will show you how to increase productivity and get more insight on the NVH behavior of the tested vehicle. It allows engineers to perform data visualization and data processing, and to get insights using a real-life NVH case.

It includes access to fully licensed software, sample data, and a guided tutorial. You can launch the trial in your browser in just minutes without requiring any installation.

What will you do during the trial?

We prepared a step-by-step tutorial for you to work on. More specifically, this tutorial will walk you through data visualization of the measured data using the pivot table, data processing via a pre-defined process, and modifying the process to get better insights from the collected data. We will show you how to achieve greater productivity for the novice and the expert while gaining more insights to enable engineering exploration.

But wait. Where did the data come from?

The answer is simple: from our famous sporty and fully electric vehicle, SimRod. An NVH engineer performed the tests using a Simcenter SCADAS XS – a handheld data acquisition device suitable for vibration and noise testing. She captured the following dynamic signals:

  • 3x Differential acceleration (X,Y,Z direction)
  • Engine rpm
  • Gearbox noise
  • GPS
  • Seat acceleration (Z direction)

You can also watch the video below to learn more about how the data was collected.

The project also contains processed data for you to experience the power of the pivot table. It is a great feature of Simcenter Testlab Neo that enables data to be viewed in a more compact and detailed way.

How to access your free trial

Let’s not spoil the fun and explain the steps to access the trial.

  • Follow this link
  • Sign up for an account, or sign in with your Google or LinkedIn account
  • Launch the virtual desktop – it might take a while, but you will receive an email when your lab is ready
  • We will be also launching the tutorial as well as Simcenter Testlab Neo with the data loaded, such that you can immediately start exploring

For the optimal experience, we suggest using two screens, while placing the tutorial and the Simcenter Testlab Neo software on separate monitors.

From your first session, your online trial access will continue for 30 days. You can start discovering Testlab Neo, take a break, and resume your work within those 30 days.

Start your Simcenter Testlab Neo free trial today

Accessing this trial is straightforward, as there are no extensive downloads or time-consuming installations required. You get instant access via your web browser, at any time and from any location, for a duration of 30 days. Don’t hesitate to sign up now and explore the powerful features of Simcenter Testlab Neo at your own pace.

This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at