Sneak preview: Electromagnetic simulation as an energy resource…but not how you might think.

A red-carpet premiere video about electromagnetic simulation
Everyone seems to be blogging about Back to the Future today. So I googled it. And what do you know? It turns out to be Back to the Future Day today. So that got me thinking…lightening bolts. And that got me thinking about electromagnetic simulation. Then that got me thinking: why not a sneak peak at the little movie we just wrapped with two of our electromagnetic experts?
Electromagnetic simulation could save the planet
Roughly speaking, electromagnetics as an energy resource isn’t something you really think about every day. But, then every day isn’t Back to the Future Day. (Now, I have to admit I am more of a Star Wars fan, but I can appreciate the cinematic effect of using lightening as electromagnetic interference energy to get the DeLorean a time travelling.)
Ready for the red carpet?
What I do want to point out before you get the popcorn out and settle down for your sneak preview about electromagnetic simulation is that we are not talking Hollywood special effects here. Electromagnetic simulation honestly does have the power to save the planet. And not just as an energy source, but as total energy savings. Done on a large scale, we can save enough energy to fuel 25 million homes. Think about all the power plants and wind turbines that we won’t need if we could do that…
But don’t let me spoil the ending for you…Enjoy your world premiere:
More Back to the Future Blogs filled with fun engineering facts? Check out Prashanth’s and Agnieszka’s Back to the Future Day Simcenter blogs right here: