
Innovative automatic transmissions by PUNCH Powerglide

Designing state-of-the-art automatic transmissions

How can an automatic transmissions manufacturer tackle the challenges of keeping pace with rapid product innovation while expanding its footprint on the global market?

Cross-section view of automatic transmissions by Punch Powerglide
PUNCH Powerglide develops and manufacture automatic transmissions

For PUNCH Powerglide, a French manufacturer based in Strasbourg, part of the answer lies in using state-of-the-art, market-leading solutions from the Simcenter portfolio. With Simcenter, PUNCH Powerglide optimizes the performance of its designs and streamlines its product development processes.

Discover now how PUNCH Powerglide designs faster with Simcenter Amesim and tests better with Simcenter Testing Solutions.

Take the example of lubrication system design, a crucial element of energy-efficient automatic transmissions. Michel Vincent relies on Simcenter Amesim to design a better system while slashing down development time.

 “Before we were using simulation in our processes, the design of the lubrication circuit took several months and required many costly prototypes. With Simcenter Amesim, the work is completed within four or five weeks, and the software enables a more precise optimization of the flow rate needed for each part in any running condition.”

Michel Vincent, simulation engineer at PUNCH Powerglide

A forward-looking strategy

Indeed, by using Simcenter for product development, PUNCH Powerglide can faster adjust its designs to the needs of local markets. It also exports its innovative transmissions beyond the frontiers of Europe, mainly to Asia. The company is thus in the forefront and pioneers the trend towards vehicle electrification.

For example, look at the new hybrid transmission 6LP2. The 6-speed transmission for rear-wheel or all-wheel drive vehicle features a clutch-to-clutch architecture with integrated electro and hydraulic controls module. Consequently, an expert committee of the Pôle Véhicule du Futur (Cluster Vehicle of the Future) awarded this innovative project. This French cluster brings together industrial and academic players in the sector.

Beyond the 6LP2 product itself, the project is part of a comprehensive and coherent industrial strategy, looking to the future by innovation and operational excellence.

So, do you want to learn more about how PUNCH Powerglide uses Simcenter solutions to design and develop innovative automatic transmissions?

Read the full success story: French automatic transmission manufacturer successfully takes on fiercer competition with Simcenter;

For more information about PUNCH Powerglide, please visit the company website.

Joelle Beuzit
This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at