Backpacking Yosemite Aug 2024

Got Coverage?

Welcome to 2025. What happened?! “Coverage” in August in Yosemite backpacking has a different meaning. In August? Snow? Lots of…

DVCon 2025: A must for hardware design and verification engineers

I’ve attended every DVCon US conference since its inception, over 30 years ago. I’ve also given keynotes at DVCon India….

Accellera Sessions at DVCon U.S. 2025

As one of Accellera’s Global Sponsors, Siemens EDA is happy to help shape the Accellera sessions at DVCon U.S and…

Celebrating the Approval of Portable Test and Stimulus Standard (PSS) 3.0

Accellera Systems Initiative has recently announced the approval of the Portable Test and Stimulus Standard (PSS) 3.0, marking a significant milestone in…

Jump-Start Your UVM Journey with UVM Framework (UVMF)

Bob Oden shares insights on how the Universal Verification Methodology Framework (UVMF) is revolutionizing the verification landscape. UVMF is an advanced toolset that…

Simulation is Key in design verification process

The importance of simulation in the pursuit of absolute speed!

A casual conversation with an ex-insider of the high frequency trading sector reveals surprising details about simulation and their design-verification process


Get your free copy of the IEEE 1800-2023 SystemVerilog LRM

At last year’s Design & Verification Conference (DVCon), I presented a few changes to the upcoming revision to the SystemVerilog…

UVM Objections at DVCON US 2024 – and Grape Jelly

Boiling Grape Jelly Stay with me – trust me. There’s a tie in to UVM Objections and DVCON US 2024….

Welcome to the enhanced Verification Academy 2.0 forums!

We’ve recently enhanced the Verification Academy, moving to an all new platform. The Verification Academy is the industry’s leading resource…