Thought Leadership

OVM/UVM at DAC 2010

Visit Booth 1350 – The hub of OVM/UVM Activity at DAC

OVM_LogoThe OVM World booth at the Design Automation Conference (#1350) will feature user and partner presentations on OVM/UVM, a live discussion by prominent verification experts and a Tuesday cocktail reception from
4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

UVM_LogoThe Open Verification Methodology (OVM) is the industry’s open and  interoperable solution, guaranteed to run on multiple simulators, supporting multiple design languages, and is the basis for the Accellera UVM standard. The OVM enables scalability and reuse, fostering a vibrant verification ecosystem. is the one-stop site for the OVM open-source library, documentation, and community contributions.

Featured half-hour presentations at the booth will include those listed below.  In addition to the presenting company and presentation title, full presentation abstracts can be found at

Monday (June 14th)

10 a.m.

Silicon Interfaces
OVM-based Verification Methodology VIP permits Silicon Interfaces to release Gigabit Ethernet MAC to industry with zero defect guarantee

11 a.m.

VIP Technical Subcommittee Update

1 p.m.

Simulation-Based FlexRay™ Conformance Testing – an OVM success story

2 p.m.

OVM Support in DVT

3 p.m.

Mentor Graphics & Cadence
OVM and UVM Update

4 p.m.

SuperSpeed your USB 3.0 Verification with OVM based nSys Verification IP

5 p.m.

OVM/UVM from a single spec

Tuesday (June 15th)

9 a.m.

OVM/UVM for FPGAs: The End of Burn and Churn?

10 a.m.

Sunburst Design
Virtual Interface Techniques for OVM

1 p.m.

Beyond a common base class library: reduce work by reusing OVM agents on common interfaces

2 p.m.

The Communication and Customization Mechanisms in OVM and UVM

3 p.m.

Mentor Graphics & Cadence
OVM and UVM Update

4 p.m.

Methodology Experts Discussion

5 p.m.

Cocktail Networking Event

Wednesday (June 16th)

9 a.m. Denali
Denali’s PureSpec: OVM-compatible VIP for bus and I/O protocols
10 a.m. Sibridge
Successful OVM deployment
11 a.m. Agnisys
Agile methods for OVM
2 p.m. TSMC
ESL to RTL Verification – Progressive Refinement and Reuse Paradigm.
TSMC Open Innovation Platform.
3 p.m. Mentor Graphics & Cadence
OVM and UVM Update
4 p.m. Agnisys
Automatic Generation of OVM Registers
5 p.m. Duolog
Dennis Brophy
Director of Ecosystems

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at