Thought Leadership

Explanation of “Verification” in a DO-254 program

By Jake Wiltgen

Often times, I’m asked to define what verification activities are required for a DO-254 program. For those experienced in a requirements driven lifecycle the leap to understanding DO-254 may not be as large. However, for those coming from a traditional IC development background, the answer to “what is verification in DO-254?” may not be so clear. DO-254 introduces new terminology such as requirements-based testing, elemental analysis, robustness testing, and more.

Do the following questions sound familiar?

  • How is “Verification” different in the context of DO-254?
  • What is the definition of “Advanced Verification”
  • Is simulation alone enough to test a requirement?
  • What is elemental analysis?
  • And the list goes on…

If you are interested in making sense of verification in DO-254, you have come to the right place. Our friends over at Patmos Engineering Services and Siemens have teamed up to define in detail the fundamental differences between verification in DO-254 compared to a traditional IC program. Included in the white paper is an explanation of the objectives of verification in DO-254, defining the differences between requirements based testing, target testing, robustness testing, and more. The white paper can be found at:

Siemens has decades of experience and is the industry leader supplying design automation tools and methodologies to DO-254 and DO-178 programs. If you are interested in how Siemens solutions and services help guide project teams in accelerating and automating the DO-254 lifecycle, please reach out to learn more.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at