Thought Leadership

Verification Academy: Up Close & Personal

Live & In-Person at DAC 2012!

DAC 2012 4Verification Academy, the brain child of Harry Foster, Chief Verification Scientist at Mentor Graphics, was live from the Design Automation Conference tradeshow floor this year.  Harry is pictured to the right giving an update on his popular verification survey from the DAC tradeshow floor.

The Verification Academy, predominantly a web-based resource is a popular site for verification information with more than 11,000 registered members for forum access on topics ranging from OVM/UVM, SystemVerilog and Analog/Mixed-Signal design.  The popular OVM/UVM Cookbook, which used to be available as a print edition, is now a live online resource there as well.  A whole host of educational modules and seminars can also be found there too.

If you know about the Verification Academy, you know all about  the content mentioned above and that there is much more to be found there.  For those who don’t know as much about it, Harry took a break from the being at the Verification Academy booth at DAC to discuss the Verification Academy with Luke Collins, Technology Journalist, Tech Design Forum.  (Flash is required to watch Harry discuss Verification Academy with Luke.)

The Verification Academy at DAC was a great venue to connect in person with other Verification Academy users to discuss standards, methodologies, flows and other industry trends.  Each hour there were short presentations by Verification Academy members that proved to be a popular way to start some interesting conversations.  While we realize not all Verification Academy members were able to attend DAC in person, we know many have expressed an interest to some of the presentations.  Verification Academy “Total Access” members now have access to many of the presentations.






Thales Alenia Space


Test & Verification Solutions


Willamette HDL


Sunburst Design


Mentor Graphics

Total Access members can also download all the presentations in a .zip file.  Happy reading to all those who were unable to visit us at DAC and thank you to all who were able to stop by and visit.

Dennis Brophy
Director of Ecosystems

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at