PCB manufacturing image

What’s New in Valor NPI 2311

Each new Valor NPI release brings exciting features and improvements, and Valor NPI version 2311 is no different. One of the most prominent recent changes for release 2311 is the 3D board viewer. This allows users to toggle between the typical 2-D board view, and a 3-D board view. While less visually prominent, the addition of high-risk component detection is no less impactful among the overall improvements. The Valor Parts Library now associates individual components with a manufacturing risk value. This allows you to consider at-a-glance relative yield values based on component choices. Valor NPI version 2311 also facilitates the placement of XD components in a zigzag array.

What’s New in Valor NPI 2305

Valor NPI has recently been updated with version 2305. Included within are many of the revisions and feature updates for this latest version of the software

PCB DFM Constraints with Valor NPI

Advanced DFM Constraints management in ADM (Analysis Definition Manager)- Valor NPI 2211

The Analysis Definition Manager (ADM), introduced in Valor NPI 10.0, is a constraints management tool for creating and maintaining sets of Design for Manufacturing DFM rules to be used during the analysis in Valor NPI.

Z-planner Enterprise PCB stackup tool

What’s New in Z-planner V2022.1

Creating the correct PCB stackup using the proper materials and then transferring that information to your fabricator is extremely important in the success of your PCB design.  Being able to “left-shift” this stage of your design process can add huge cost and quality savings into your entire design.