Zvi Feuer

Reshaping the world with digital manufacturing 

Digital technologies are reshaping the manufacturing industry, becoming an integral part of modern production. This fundamental transformation is enabled by digital manufacturing. To better understand what is driving these changes, we recently sat down with Zvi Feuer, Senior Vice President of Digital Manufacturing Software, and CEO of Siemens Digital Industries Software in Israel.

Assembly robot in factory

Smart inventory management: A $14M opportunity for manufacturers

Digital transformation (DX) initiatives are a fundamental way for many organizations to improve both product assembly and manufacturing throughput. It’s…

Nestle using Plant Simulation in their plant in Juuka.

Nestlé uses Siemens’ software to go from outdated to trendsetting

Nestlé is a well-known name in the food and beverage industry. Nestlé’s plant in Juuka, Finland, is known for producing…

Speak at Realize LIVE 2022

Las Vegas (May 9 – May 12) | Berlin (May 31 – June 2) —–We are excited for the opportunity…

eBook: The executive’s guide to digital manufacturing for heavy equipment

The future of manufacturing is digital In the newly issued eBook, “The executive’s guide to digital manufacturing“, learn how you, as…

eBook: The executive’s guide to digital manufacturing for electric vehicles

The future of manufacturing is digital In this newly issued eBook, The executive’s guide to digital manufacturing for electric vehicles, learn…

What is driving Digital Transformation today?

Multiple factors are driving today’s manufacturers to pursue different digital transformation (DX) initiatives. The current state of the U.S. economy…

Celebrating Innovation in the 2021 Siemens Digital Manufacturing Hackathon

How do we keep employees engaged? Connected to the company and its goals? Connected to each other? Amid Covid-19, this…

Intosite software wins prize for “Outstanding Invention”

Technology to transform the everyday Every year Siemens honors particularly outstanding researchers and developers as Inventors of the Year in…