
Geometric Search for Part Standardization and Reuse

By Erwin Argyle

This is the second article in a series on the business value of geometric search, or Shape Search, a new technology that can help you reach greater returns on your Teamcenter investment. Geometric search enriches the user experience by providing a more intuitive way to find, share and reuse product information than text search, alone.

Catch up on the whole series by reading part1, part 3 , part 4 and part 5

Reuse is efficient, reinvention is wasteful. As we saw from “Shape Search for Engineering Productivity”, there is no such thing as a “cheap” part and so the savings potential through reuse across the entire inventory is considerable. Standardization and classification encourage the best practice of part reuse. Geometric search supports part classification and consolidation by identifying parts that are good sources of shareable metadata. Geometric search is delivered with “aClass with Shape Search,” from our partner BCT, providing a flexible classification solution for the Teamcenter environment.

“Shape Search for Part Standardization and Reuse” is one step towards greater efficiency covered in the article “Five Ways Shape Search Drives Business Value” by Jim Brown, President of Tech-Clarity. 

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at