SEU14 video: Synchronous for the Skeptic

Like most people, I’m embarrassed to see myself on video, but here is a link to the youtube video of one of my Solid Edge University sessions that aimed to convice synchronous skeptics of the validit…

Solid Edge Crossword #001

Work from memory to complete this Solid Edge crossword.
The real challenge lies in not referring Solid Edge or the Help documentation to guess the words.

Across 3. Swept…

Pushing Synchronous as a CAD Admin

You might have noticed that I’m not exactly neutral in the Synchronous vs Ordered debate. Synchronous was part of the reason for me to start looking at Solid Edge in the first place. So I’m always in…

First Steps to Automation – Part 2

…continued from Part 1
Keep typing more lines as shown below:

As evident, oDoc stores the Draft Document whose type definition comes from the DraftDocument type library refe…

Take the First Steps to Automation

This is an epilogue to the article Select and you are all Set which also provides a free macro that overcomes a limitation in the selected object count displayed in the Solid Edge Draft environment. …

ST7: Material Table

The Material Table received a lot of attention in ST7. As a result, I think you will find materials in general much easier to deal with and a more complete solution than previously. You still access …

Keyshot Presentation Video from SEU14 Available

I know a lot of you have been looking for videos from Solid Edge University. These take some time to produce, and they are just now starting to trickle out. We have the first batch of them now for yo…

The Best Table in the House

Solid Edge Draft environment has a dedicated group on the Home tab of the ribbon bar to host the various Table objects that can be created.

• Parts List.
• Bend Table.
• Family of Part…

Participate in the Industry Survey and get Something Back!

Every year, Brad Holtz of Cyon Research surveys the engineering software industry. The results of his survey are pricy ($2000) if you want to buy them, but if you participate in the survey, you get t…