Solid Edge ST7 Released

This is fresh off the presses, or at least fresh from my inbox. Laura Watson has said that ST7 will be ready for customer download by early next week, and that English DVDs ( should beg…

The Old and the New

In a previous article I wrote about how some aspects of our current ideas about the cloud are actually (in part anyway) resurrections of much older IT methods. It turns out that modern computing is b…

Automation: Parametric Assemblies

This article builds on the knowledge gained in the previous post Parametric Parts which discussed how to parametric parts by changing the values of part variables.

It is also possible to a…

Community: Who Needs It?

I’ve been involved in on-line communities for engineers since 1997. The old usenet news groups put the Wild Wild West in the www//:. It was raw, it was unruly, but more than any of that, it was engin…

Is it time to revisit CAD in the Cloud?

CAD in the Cloud. It’s a topic I thought I’d never return to. It’s a topic that won’t go away, although the context in which you hear about it these days is changing. I want to look at CAD in the clo…

CAD Standard for 3D Data

CAD standards have come a long way in the last 30 years or so. For 2D data, standards used to be mainly about layers and colors, and font size, and how to set up a drawing so it could be printed prop…

Automation: Part Configurator 3

This is the sixth post in the Automation series and the third article for Part Configurator. In retrospect: Take the First Steps to Automation Takeaway: • Getting started • Adding referenc…

Automation: Part Configurator 2

The previous post on creating a programmatically configurable part used a If…Then structure to check which of the items in the list was selected by the user i.e. the SelectedIndex property of …

Maker Faire, Ali Kermani, and Solid Edge Together

If you’re within driving range of Detroit in the next week, you might consider going to the Detroit Maker Faire. It’s held July 26-27 at the Henry Ford museum, which is a destination in itself. You m…